How to Talk with People Who Don’t Believe the Bible

There are two types of people in the world: those who divide the world into two types of people, and those who don’t.

As Christians, and especially as Christian leaders, we tend to be in that first group. We see an essential division in the world. The saved and the lost. Believers and unbelievers. The churched and the unchurched. While there is certainly some biblical support for that worldview, it can also keep us from establishing honest relationships with people outside our faith community. This is especially true for those in ministry.

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10 Reasons You’re Not Ready to Lead a Creative Team

Businesses, nonprofits, churches and ministries are all filled with people who are terrible at leading creative people. In some cases, they were promoted to the position and understand they are out of their depth. But in most cases (in my experience) they actually believe they’re good at leading creative people, when in truth, they are completely out of place. Based on working with more than a few horrible creative leaders over the last few decades, here’s my checklist of 10 Reasons You’re Not Ready to Lead A Creative Team:

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Self Promotion & Why Some People Think It’s Wrong

As a somewhat cynical twenty-something, I looked down on people who promoted their work. To me, they were walking infomercials, always selling something. On a deeper level, I may have thought of these people as lacking humility or not trusting in God to provide.

Times have changed, though, and now I’m that guy. About once a week I’m criticized for promoting my books (haven’t done that in about two years though) or our movie, or the Storyline conference. About every fifth blog is an invitation to take part in something I’m doing. But I don’t feel arrogant about it at all.

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